Sunday, October 26, 2014

Windows 10 USB to Serial Adapter | U.S. Converters®

Windows 10 has already been announced by Microsoft, however rumors are that it won't be out until late 2015.
Even it will take a while before Windows 10 hits the stores we at U.S. Converters are already working on a new USB to Serial adapter which will be fully compatible with Windows 10. The first adapter will be with a RS232 interface, which later will be followed by a USB to Serial adapter with a combined RS485 / RS422 interface.
The adapters will be designed around the FT232RL processor chip from FTDI Semiconductors which is one of the most stable and high performance USB / UART processors on the market. The drivers for this chip are updated frequently to ensure compatibility and reliable performance at all times.
Our current adapters are also designed around this chip so our customers can expect the new Windows 10 USB to Serial adapter to also work with all previous versions of Windows. So, one adapter for all versions of Windows! Nice..! Not to mention that it will also work with Linux and Mac.
Ok, well that's all we can reveal for now. Until Windows 10 hits the stores we recommend one of our current USB to Serial adapters:
USB to Serial Premium
Premium Grade adapter
Professional Grade adapter

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Controlling a Telescope from a PC over Bluetooth Using ASCOM

This guide describes how to connect a Celestron telescope mount to your computer over Bluetooth using ASCOM drivers which will allow you to control the telescope mount using standard astronomy software.

Our test setup is based on a Celestron telescope GT Mount with NexStar+ hand control and the operating system is Windows 7 64-bit.
This setup has been tested and confirmed working with the following:

Cartes du Ciel (ASCOM drivers)
Starry Night Orion Special Edition astronomy software (ASCOM drivers)
PHD2 astronomy software (ASCOM drivers)
Stellarium astronomy software (not ASCOM drivers)
Note: this setup will NOT work with Celestron NexRemote software

Celestron CGE Mount
Celestron GT Mount
Celestron SLT Mount
Since most Celestron mounts mainly works the same way we expect that this setup will work with most (possibly all) Celestron mounts variations.

NexStar+ hand control
Celestron StarSense Auto Telescope Alignment Accessory

The Setup

The setup looks like this:

Read the full article here: